Types of Marijuana
Are there different types of marijuana? Yes, there are there are many different types of marijuana. However, they basically fit into two categories; Indica and Sativa. People who grow marijuana, also known as "breeders", will often cross strains to change the growing or properties of the original.
As a rule of thumb, generally Indicas tend to be shorter, stockier plants with smaller, denser, and smellier types of marijuana buds. Indicas also flower much faster than Sativas, usually with a 6-9 week flowering period. Sativas will grow taller and generally much bigger than other types of marijuana. Buds will also be bigger but less dense. Sativa buds will also be less smelly and take longer to flower than Indicas, usually 9-10 weeks.
Different types of marijuana strains are often a cross of Sativa and Indica to give properties of each i.e. to make certain Sativa smaller and more potent, or an Indica larger and with bigger buds. When it comes to the effects of taking this drug, also known as being "high", different types of marijuana produce different feelings in the user. Sativas will tend to produce more of a cerebral, energetic or giggly high, while Indicas produce more of a body stoned, known to enhance physical aspects such as sound and taste and can also have a relaxing effect.
Common terms about the different types of marijuana:
SATIVAS - The polar opposite of Indicas. Tall, thin plants, narrow leaves, lighter green colors, grow quick, extend to heights of 20 feet in some cases. Origins are traced back to Mexico, Columbia and Southeast Asia. Flowering times vary from 10 to 16 weeks, normally longer than Indicas.

INDICAS - Short thick plants, broad leaves, darker green, flowering in 8 to 10 weeks with thick dense flower tops. Flavors from stinky skunk to fruity sweet. Origins traced back to Afghanistan, Morocco and Tibet.

FEMINIZED - Designer qualities to produce only female plants. Rarely are the seeds produced but can be forced. Usually passed on as clones.
CROSS BREEDS - Combining different Sativa and Indica breeds will produce the corresponding traits of each mother and father. Actual percentages each strain will contain are not exact, but pretty close.
What are the top five best known types of marijuana?
Types of Marijuana: White Widow
The white widow marijuana strain is considered perhaps the most potent cannabis in the world. The buds always have so much THC on them that it is hard to see the green color of the bud at all.

Types of Marijuana: Northern Lights
Northern lights marijuana has big broad leaves and large crystal covered buds. Experience a strong hash taste to best describe northern lights marijuana. This is not a big plant growing to about 1.5 m outdoors and a little bigger indoors.

Types of Marijuana: Super Skunk Weed
Super Skunk is a beefy original Skunk #1 strain. Matches the potency of the hashish you find in Amsterdam coffee shops. World famous for its skunky sweet smell.

Types of Marijuana: Big Bud
Big Bud is Winner of the Cannabis Cup in 1989 as a best marijuana strains. The yield of this Indica marijuana strain is legendary, producing massive buds with gigantic leaves.

Types of Marijuana: Purple Haze Marijuana
Purple Marijuana aka Purple Haze Marijuana has purple buds on this plant give it a special taste and smell. It is a powerful strain with sativa overtones.